Friday, October 7, 2016

What is God like?

The story of Job is similar to the stories of Moshe Yosef Daum and Fela Nussbaum because in all of the stories these people are questioning why God is doing this to them of why God is not doing anything to help them.  In he story of Job, God is allowing Satan to take all of his belongings and in the story of Moshe Yosef Daum, she is questioning why through the hardest times, God is not there to help. Another similarity between the stories is that Fela Nussbaum had faith in God and so did Job.   God and Satan only made Job's life so miserable because he is so loyal.  A big similarity that occurs in both stories is that God is testing the people. God is unsure of how loyal and fatigue they really are so he tests them.  In the story of Job, God tests him by taking all of his belongings away and sees if he will do something.  In the story of Moshe Yosef Daum and Fela Nussbaum, they are tested by out in concentration camps. This was an extremely hard test and they were tortured until they almost died.  Lastly, all of the people that were punished in both stories were innocent.  None of them including Job, Moshe Yosef Daum and Fela Nussbaum had dme anything wrong to receive such harsh punishment.  The two stories are different because in the story of Job, he is tested by having all of his belongings taken.  Even though this is a harsh punishment, Moshe Yosef Daum and Fela Nussbaum both were punished to the extreme and nothing would compare to what they went through.

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